The Duct Cleaning Comparison

Mop & Scrub Method™ vs. "traditional methods"

Before Duct Cleaning

Before duct cleaning

After Traditional Cleaning

After traditional cleaning

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

Before Duct Cleaning

Before duct cleaning

After Traditional Cleaning

After traditional cleaning

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

Before & After

The Mop & Scrub Method™

Before Duct Cleaning

Heavy dust & dirt

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

Before Duct Cleaning

Heavy dust & dirt

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

Before Duct Cleaning

Heavy dust & dirt

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

Before Duct Cleaning shows heavy soot from tobacco tar

Heavy soot & tobacco tar form in air duct

After the Mop & Scrub Method™ removes heavy soot from tobacco tar

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

Before Duct Cleaning

Heavy dust and dirt

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

Before Duct Cleaning


After the Mop & Scrub Method™

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

Before Duct Cleaning


After the Mop & Scrub Method™

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

Before Duct Cleaning


After the Mop & Scrub Method™

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

Before Duct Cleaning


After the Mop & Scrub Method™

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

Before Duct Cleaning


After the Mop & Scrub Method™

After the Mop & Scrub Method™

Before Duct Cleaning


After the Mop & Scrub Method™

After the Mop & Scrub Method™